We’re in the process of updating our documentation to include video demos of various OpenClinica features. Take a look at the video links below on printing subject casebooks and CRFs for a taste of what’s to come – and learn something cool in the process!
Printing a Subject Casebook is a great, though much overlooked feature of OpenClinica. First introduced in OpenClinica 3.2, this feature allows you to print a Subject’s entire casebook, including all the data entered for that Subject. You have various output formats and options to include the audit history and notes and discrepancies in the results. The Subject’s data, metadata, and provenance data – it’s all there, from start to finish. It’s easy to view online, and formatted beautifully for printing. Just for fun, we tossed in demos on printing blank casebooks and blank CRF pages as well.

Check out the videos below and…happy printing!
